We’re very happy to announce that the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Marketplace is now available. This is an exciting day for Creators, Simmers and Microsoft.
My Library:
Thousands of MSFS 2020 Marketplace items have been ported into MSFS 2024 and are available in My Library. Almost all content is set to Disabled by default but can be Enabled in My Library at your discretion. The only content Enabled by default is content sold by Microsoft and Asobo. Once content is purchased it becomes Enabled by default.
To provide more context on the content that is shown in My Library and whether it is compatible with MSFS 2024, there are 3 different states of content based on Creator feedback:
- Not Creator Approved – this tag indicates that either 1) the Creator tested the content and the item is currently incompatible or 2) the creator has not yet told us whether the content is compatible.
- Not Available – this tag indicates that you own this content in MSFS 2020 but it has not been successfully ported to MSFS 2024 and is therefore not available for you to access.
- No tag – if there is no tag associated with an item, this means that the Creator has signed off that the item is compatible with MSFS 2024.
There is a separate Creator sign-off for items that Creators want to make available for sale in the Marketplace.
Simverse Coins: You now have the ability to purchase content in the in-sim Marketplace with Simverse Coins. You can buy Simverse Coins directly in the Marketplace or at select retailers if you are simming on the Windows Store or Xbox (note: Simverse Coins purchased at retail will not work for Steam players). If you own Simverse Coins, you will see prices in Simverse Coins as well as local currency in the marketplace. You can choose which payment method to use at check-out. If you do not own Simverse Coins, then pricing will continue to display solely in local currency amounts. You can also turn off or on the prices in Simverse Coins by going to your wallet and clicking on the “Show Simverse Coins in Marketplace”.
MSFS 2020 Content: Content that has been ported to MSFS 2024 and is available for sale in the Marketplace (because the Creator has confirmed that it works in MSFS 2024) will include an MSFS 2020 logo in the upper left corner of the thumbnail image so you will know that it was not created natively in MSFS 2024.
Upgrades: A Creator can decide to upgrade the MSFS 2020 ported content to optimize for MSFS 2024. Creators can choose either to provide the upgraded content for free or to charge an upgrade price to those that own the 2020 ported item. All upgrades can be obtained through the Marketplace and are designated as “Upgraded” in the upper left corner of the image. If a free upgraded item is available for an item that you own, you will receive a notification in the simulator with a link to the marketplace page.
Rentals & Gifting: The Marketplace will not include gifting or rentals at launch. We want to make sure the experiences work as expected. The plan is for these features to be enabled when we launch Sim Update 2 in April.
Known Issues:
- With the release of SU1, free 2024 upgrades for ported 2020 content are obtained in the Marketplace rather than being automatically granted. This means that if a free upgrade is released for a ported item that is not available in the Marketplace, a user who owns the ported content will receive a notification that an upgrade is available but will not be able to get the upgrade.
- We know many of you are eager to see content from third-party developers in the Marketplace. 3rd party add-ons will be available soon, and we’re working closely with developers to bring their incredible products into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.
- Unfortunately, the renting and gifting features are not yet ready for release, but will be included in Sim Update 2, planned for April.
- Users may experience a crash when accessing the Wallet tab in the Marketplace.
- The Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner aircraft from Microsoft / Working Title has a content package update that is making its way through the content pipeline and will be released as soon as possible. [Edit: the B787 update is now live!]
Thank you for your continued support and passion for flight simulation. We can’t wait for you to experience everything the Marketplace has to offer.
If you have any feedback on the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Marketplace, please submit it to the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Marketplace Feedback forum thread.