A low wing propeller aircraft from a birds eye view above Monaco




June 6th, 2024 – Development Update

This week’s Screenshot Challenge winner is Forum user LimeBadger8304! If you’re interested in participating in our weekly Screenshot Challenges, check out the details in the Community section below!

Yesterday we hosted another Developer Livestream featuring our regular panel of Jorg, Seb, and Martial. They answered many questions from the community and also announced several future updates for Microsoft Flight Simulator including two new City Updates, a new Famous Flyer bundle (more info below) and the next Local Legend, the Boeing 707! In case you missed it live, you can watch the full video on YouTube here:

The new Famous Flyer bundle is available from the in-sim Marketplace now and consists of two aircraft, the C-47D Skytrain and the Waco CG-4A glider. Both of these aircraft played an important role in World War II’s Normandy landings (Operation Overlord) which occurred exactly 80 years ago today on June 6, 1944. In recognition of this anniversary, for every purchase of the Famous Flyer 9 pack made between June 6, 2024 and July 5, 2024, Microsoft will donate 100% of each sale to the USO (https://www.uso.org/). More information about the USO is available by contacting them at info@uso.org. 

– MSFS Team

Development Update

Development Update Banner

Development Roadmap

Feedback Snapshot

Click here for the web-friendly version of the Feedback Snapshot.



  • No update

Working Title / MSFS Avionics Framework

  • No update


We are excited to announce our first ever Top-Rated Aircraft Sale to celebrate planes with highest ratings on the Marketplace!

This sale is a first of its kind that highlights our community’s favorite content and will run from June 9th through June 16th.

Additional details:

  • Developers of the top-rated 50 planes were invited to participate.
  • The list of 50 was based on the Aircraft section in the Marketplace, sorted by Best Rating.
  • 1st party content and non-plane content such as liveries and sound packs were not included.
  • Products that would not be live on the Marketplace for 30 days as of the start of the sale were not included.
    • The list was generated from Marketplace data as of May 23rd.
  • Best Rating sorting algorithm in the Marketplace applies the Wilson score.
    • Wilson score weighs average rating along with number of ratings.
    • This sorting is different from pure telemetry-based, which goes by average rating exclusively.
  • If a developer declines an invitation for their plane(s) to participate in the sale, we forfeit the corresponding spot(s).
    • We don’t go down to the next plane in the list.
    • For this reason, there may be fewer than 50 planes in the sale when it goes live.

Marketplace Releases

Click here for the web-friendly version of the Marketplace Update.

There are 72 new and 71 updated products in this week’s Marketplace Update.

Released Earlier: 2 NEW Products: 1 ON PC, 1 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox



Released Monday, June 3: 13 NEW PRODUCTS: 7 ON PC, 6 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox


New on PC



Released Thursday, June 6: 57 NEW PRODUCTS: 27 ON PC, 30 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox


Released Monday, June 3: 16 UPDATED PRODUCTS: 9 ON PC, 7 ON XBOX

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox


Released Thursday, June 6: 65 UPDATED PRODUCTS: 34 ON PC, 31 ON XBOX

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on Xbox

Updated on Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox


Marketplace Backlog

Current Backlog: 361 Total


Testing Status
Content Type In MS Processing In MS Testing In 3P Testing Total
Aircraft 10 2 10 22
Mission 0 37 93 130
Scenery 12 0 2 14
Livery 8 11 11 30
Airport 27 1 16 44
Other 6 1 15 22
Total 63 52 147 262



Testing Status
Content Type In MS Processing In MS Testing In 3P Testing Total
Aircraft 27 2 8 37
Mission 2 0 0 2
Scenery 12 0 0 12
Livery 9 3 8 20
Airport 8 3 15 26
Other 2 0 0 2
Total 60 8 31 99



  • Third Party Update
    • As of 06/02, we have now approved 286 (+4) third parties into the in-sim marketplace and – so far 231 (+2) have released 3,669 products on PC (+42) and 3,419 on Xbox (+38).
    • In total, 4,516 products (+55) have already been released in 3rd party stores and the in-sim marketplace. Beyond that, another 815 products (-40) from 3rd party developers are in production (330 announced, 485 unannounced). In total, over 5,331 3rd party products (+28) have either been released or are in development.
    • Airports:
      • 2,407 airports (+3) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 2,202 airports (+8) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 1,695 airports (+7) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
        • 107 airports (-1) beyond the released airports have been announced.
        • 98 airports (-4) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an airport is in production.
    • Aircraft:
      • 830 aircraft (+3) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 404 aircraft (+5) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 322 aircraft (+3) have been released in the in-sim PC marketplace.
        • 307 aircraft (+3) have been released in the in-sim Xbox marketplace.
        • 202 aircraft (+1) beyond the released aircraft have been announced.
        • 224 aircraft (-3) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an aircraft is in production.
    • Scenery:
      • 1,155 scenery packs (+3) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 1,117 scenery packs (+5) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 683 scenery packs (+7) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
        • 20 scenery packs (+0) beyond the released scenery have been announced.
        • 18 scenery packs (-2) are not announced but the dev let us know that scenery is in production.
    • Mission Packs:
      • 436 mission packs (+2) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 366 mission packs (+8) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 305 mission packs (+8) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
        • 0 mission packs (+0) beyond the released missions have been announced.
        • 70 mission packs (-6) are not announced, but the dev let us know that they are in production.
    • Livery Packs:
      • 465 livery packs (+10) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 400 livery packs (+27) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 391 livery packs (+27) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
        • 1 livery pack (+0) beyond the released scenery has been announced.
        • 64 livery packs (-24) are not announced, but the dev let us know that scenery is in production.
    • Ships & Watercraft:
      • 38 ships & watercraft (+0) are either released or are in various stages of development.
        • 27 ships (+0) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
        • 22 ships (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
        • 0 ships (+0) beyond the released ships have been announced.
        • 11 ships (+0) are not announced, but dev let us know that ships are in production.



Community Fly-In Friday

June 6 is the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings (Operation Overlord) in Normandy, France. To mark this key historic event, we recently announced two new aircraft which both played important roles on D-Day: the Douglas C-47 Skytrain and the Waco CG-4 glider (both releasing Thursday from the in-sim Marketplace for PC and Xbox with all proceeds from the first month of sales being donated to the USO).

The flight plan will see us fly over historic areas from Operation Overlord including all five beaches (Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah), the Merville Gun Battery, Pegasus Bridge, and more!

Event details are available here. All are welcome to participate!

Community Video

With Microsoft Flight Simulator now available on XCloud Gaming, we join Swiss001in this week’s Community Video, as he gives his first impressions whilst flying on his mobile phone.

Highlighting the installation process before trying out a number of different aircraft types, Swiss001 shows off the capabilities of MSFS on XCloud Gaming with another entertaining video!

screenshot challenge

This week’s screenshot challenge: D-Day 80th Anniversary

This past week’s Screenshot Challenge was: City Update 7

Weekly Screenshot Challenge Winner: LimeBadger8304 (Forums)

Screenshot by @ukaka5656 (Twitter)

Screenshot by ZILLNIAZI17 (Forums)

Screenshot by @CpuGeta486 (Twitter)

Screenshot by LevyMathss (Forums)

Screenshot by @KotetuP (Twitter)

Screenshot by @BasedRaccoon (Twitter)

Screenshot by KnackBretzel (Forums)

Screenshot by bluepoint3285 (Forums)

Screenshot by @tsujiKa_air (Twitter)

Screenshot by @nintaroww (Twitter)



Microsoft Flight Simulator Team