A fighter jet in blue camouflage paint with after burners engaged turns in a sharp right hand manouver




March 13, 2025 Development Update

This week’s Screenshot Challenge winner is X user @MihamaBlend! If you’re interested in participating in our weekly Screenshot Challenges, check out the details in the Community section below.

Following hot on the heels of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Sim Update 1 launching on March 6, we’re pleased to follow it up with three big releases earlier this week!

The CAP-4 Paulistinha is the second of four aircraft that are offered FREE to all MSFS 2024 players to make good for the poor launch experience. The plane will be available to you automatically the next time you launch the sim. For MSFS 2020 pilots, you can purchase the CAP-4 from the in-sim Marketplace for the usual price of USD $14.99.

As previously announced last week, our next Developer Livestream is scheduled for tomorrow, March 14 at 9:30am PDT (1630 UTC) on our official Twitch channel. Tune in to see our regular panel and special guests respond to popular questions from the community and discuss information about upcoming future updates. Our regular Community Fly-In Friday group flight will follow on Twitch immediately after the Developer Livestream, so stick around and join hundreds of other simmers as we explore some beautiful Brazilian scenery from the recently-released WU19 together.

Last weekend, the MSFS Community Team had the opportunity to participate at an event at Springbank Airport near Calgary, Alberta, Canada organized by the graduating class of women enrolled in Mount Royal University’s aviation program. This event, timed to coincide with International Women’s Day, aimed to excite women and girls about pursuing a future career in the aviation field. Among the exhibitors were Air Canada, WestJet, the Canadian Forces, and many other organizations. The Microsoft Flight Simulator team was thrilled to be invited to participate and offer hands-on time with the sim to hundreds of event attendees!

A young girl prepares for takeoff in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 at the Women in Aviation event on March 8.

In other flight sim community news, FSWeekend is taking place this Saturday and Sunday in Lelystad, Netherlands! We hope all the attendees and exhibitors have a wonderful time at this event and wish safe travels to everyone from the MSFS community attending!

– MSFS Team

Development Update

Development Update Banner

Feedback Snapshot

  • No update this week.

SDK Update

  • No update this week.
 Working Title
  • No update this week.



Marketplace Releases (MSFS 2020)

Click here for the web-friendly version of the Marketplace Update.

There are 97 NEW and 56 UPDATED products in this week’s Marketplace Update for Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020).

First Party Releases This Week
24 NEW Products: 12 ON PC, 12 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox


New Releases This Week
73 NEW Products: 47 ON PC, 36 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox


Updated This week:

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

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Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on PC and Xbox

Updated on Xbox


Marketplace Releases (MSFS 2024)

There are 52 NEW and 0 UPDATED products in this week’s Marketplace Update for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

First Party Releases This Week
52 NEW Products: 26 ON PC, 26 ON XBOX

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox

New on PC and Xbox


Marketplace Backlog

Current Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) Backlog: 371 Total


Testing Status
Content Type In MS Processing In MS Testing In 3P Testing Total
Aircraft 18 2 7 27
Mission 23 25 86 134
Scenery 17 13 1 31
Livery 10 10 2 22
Airport 10 6 13 29
Other 4 0 7 11
Total 82 56 116 254



Testing Status
Content Type In MS Processing In MS Testing In 3P Testing Total
Aircraft 14 12 24 50
Mission 0 0 0 0
Scenery 2 2 2 6
Livery 4 1 8 13
Airport 11 11 20 42
Other 1 2 3 6
Total 32 28 57 117



Third Party Update

  • As of 02/09, we have now approved 295 (+0) third parties into the in-sim marketplace and – so far 247 (+0) have released 4,778 products on PC (+392) and 4,539 153 on Xbox (+386).
  • In total, 5,443 products (+452) have already been released in 3rd party stores and the in-sim marketplace. Beyond that, another 803 products (-10) from 3rd party developers are in production (319 announced, 484 unannounced). In total, over 6,246 3rd party products (+441) have either been released or are in development.
  • Airports:
    • 2,593 airports (+181) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 2,401 airports (+171) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 1,935 airports (+199) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
      • 89 airports (-8) beyond the released airports have been announced.
      • 103 airports (+18) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an airport is in production.
  • Aircraft:
    • 943 aircraft (+15) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 473 aircraft (+25) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 395 aircraft (+27) have been released in the in-sim PC marketplace.
      • 381 aircraft (+29) have been released in the in-sim Xbox marketplace.
      • 209 aircraft (-2) beyond the released aircraft have been announced.
      • 261 aircraft (-8) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an aircraft is in production.
  • Scenery:
    • 1,302 scenery packs (+56) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 1,261 scenery packs (+52) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 822 scenery packs (+53) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
      • 20 scenery packs (+0) beyond the released scenery have been announced.
      • 21 scenery packs (+4) are not announced but the dev let us know that scenery is in production
  • Mission Packs:
    • 781 mission packs (+153) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 746 mission packs (+159) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 685 mission packs (+161) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
      • 0 mission packs (+0) beyond the released missions have been announced.
      • 35 mission packs (-8) are not announced, but the dev let us know that they are in production.
  • Livery Packs:
    • 580 livery packs (+35) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 526 livery packs (+37) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 517 livery packs (+37) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
      • 1 livery pack (+0) beyond the released scenery has been announced.
      • 53 livery packs (-2) are not announced, but the dev let us know that scenery is in production.
  • Ships & Watercraft:
    • 47 ships & watercraft (+1) are either released or are in various stages of development.
      • 36 ships (+6) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
      • 27 ships (+2) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
      • 0 ships (+0) beyond the released ships have been announced.
      • 11 ships (-5) are not announced, but dev let us know that ships are in production.





Community Fly-In Friday

Earlier this week we released the long-awaited World Update XIX: Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana! To celebrate the launch, we polled our followers on our official Instagram account to ask for the community to pick from two flight plans over Brazil for our Fly-In this week. The first option was a flight along the Amazon River from Manaus to Santarém. The second option was a flight between Brazil’s two largest cities, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. By the absolute narrowest possible margin, the Amazon River flight won by a mere nine (9!!!) votes with over 5,000 total votes cast!

Given the extremely close voting in this poll, we have decided we will ALSO do the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro during one of our Fly-Ins next month!

For the best experience, all pilots should download the FREE World Update XIX: Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana from the in-sim Marketplace.

Click here for event details!

Rise of a Pilot – Career Mode Livestream

Join Microsoft Flight Simulator Community Manager SeedyL – a real-life private and glider pilot and former ground school (classroom) instructor at a flying school – as he teaches viewers about aviation using the Career Mode in Microsoft Flight Simualtor 2024!

In this livestream video series, SeedyL will start a new pilot career in MSFS 2024 and progress through the training and certifications, using the sim to explain aviation concepts and flight techniques encountered throughout Career Mode. If you’re new to flight simming, this will be a great opportunity to learn more about flying, and if you’re an experienced simmer, you can be entertained by SeedyL’s commentary or share your aviation expertise with other viewers in the chat who may have questions.

Viewers in Twitch chat will have the opportunity to vote on how SeedyL’s pilot career should proceed, for example voting on which missions to take next or which certifications to pursue.

SeedyL will be back in the cockpit next week on Tuesday, March 18th. All episodes will be broadcast on our official Twitch channel starting at 11:00am PT (1900 UTC).

Community Video

With the release of World Update 19 this week, we join regular reviewer SimFlightPro for their first look at the latest free update for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024!

Providing an overview of some of the newly implemented areas of detail within World Update 19, SimFlightPro provides concise commentary whilst also showcasing the beauty of this region with cinematic shots galore. Check out the video below, or head to SimFlightPro’s channel to watch more of their content!

Screenshot challenge

This week’s screenshot challenge: World Update 19

This past week’s Screenshot Challenge was: Turn and Burn

Weekly Screenshot Challenge Winner: @MihamaBlend (X)

Screenshot by UnwilledCow8464 (Forum)

Screenshot by @ARROW2929 (X)

Screenshot by REDHER0N (Forum)

Screenshot by Gufada (Forum)

Screenshot by PRGeek5909 (Forum)

Screenshot by @ukaka5656 (X)

Screenshot by @pommes_l (X)

Screenshot by @AvionChibi (X)

Screenshot by HeKa48 (Forum)

Screenshot by @tsujiKa_air (X)



Microsoft Flight Simulator Team